Wire Cutter & Cable Stripper — iCrimp Tools Skip to content
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Wire Cutter & Cable Stripper

Wire Cutter & Cable Stripper

In the intricate sequence of operations required for establishing a precise electrical connection, cable cutting and stripping stand out as the initial and crucial preparatory steps. The quality of these preparations sets the stage for high-quality connections, and when it comes to these tasks, our tools are the trusted choice.

Starting with the first step, cable cutting is paramount. The cable must be cut cleanly and precisely, without requiring excessive effort. It's a critical process that demands precision and efficiency.

At IWISS, under our sub-brand iCrimp, we provide a diverse range of cutters meticulously designed to cater to a spectrum of needs, from delicate fine-wire conductors to hefty power supply cables with larger diameters. When it comes to cable cutting and stripping, rest assured that IWISS and iCrimp tools are in your capable hands, ready to facilitate the preparation of high-quality connections.

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